Papers related to laser fusion rocket / fusion propulsion
Taiki INATOMI, Taichi MORITA, Naoji YAMAMOTO, Hideki NAKASHIMA,Tomihiko KOJIMA, Eisuke KURAMOTO, Masaki IKEBE, Atsushi SUNAHARA, Shinichi NAMBA, Yoshitaka MORI, Toshiyuki ISE, Kazuhiro YAGI, Tomoyuki JHOZAKI,
"Quantitative Evaluation of the Impulse-bit Generated in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber ,"
Journal of Evolving Space Activities
1, 4 (2023)
森田太智, 伊勢俊之, 森芳孝, 城崎知至, 砂原淳, 枝本雅史, 中島秀紀,
"レーザー核融合ロケットの原理実証研究 ,"
Journal of Plasma Fusion Research
97, 619-647 (2021)
(English translation version)
T. Morita, T. Ise, Y. Mori, T. Johzaki, A. Sunahara, M. Edamoto, H. Nakashima, Demonstration of the Principle of Laser-Fusion Rocket
Toru Yamamura, Masafumi Edamoto, Tomihiko Kojima, Taichi Morita, Naoji Yamamoto, Atsushi Sunahara, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Hideki Nakashima,
"Numerical analysis on a conical shaped target for laser fusion rocket ,"
High Energy Density Physics
37, 100894 (2020)
森田太智 , 枝本雅史, 山本直嗣, 中島秀紀,
"レーザー核融合ロケットの原理実証研究 ,"
47, 548-554 (2019)
Masafumi Edamoto, Taichi Morita, Naoya Saito, Yutaro Itadani, Satoshi Miura, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hideki Nakashima, Naoji Yamamoto,
"Portable and noise-tolerant magnetic field generation system ,"
Review of Scientific Instruments
89, 094706 (2018)
Naoya Saito, Naoji Yamamoto, Taichi Morita, Masafumi Edamoto, Hideki Nakashima, Shinsuke Fujioka, Akifumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Atsushi Sunahara, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki,
"Experimental demonstration of ion extraction from magnetic thrust chamber for laser fusion rocket ,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
57, 050303 (2018)
Yutaro Itadani, Taichi Morita, Naoya Saito, Masafumi Edamoto, Tomihiko Kojima, Mariko Takagi, Keisuke Nagashima, Shinsuke Fujioka, Akifumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Atushi Sunahara, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Hideki Nakashima, Naoji Yamamoto,
"Thomson Scattering Measurement of Laser-Produced Plasma in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber ,"
Plasma and Fusion Research
13, 1306016 (2018)
Taichi Morita, Masafumi Edamoto, Satoshi Miura, Atsushi Sunahara, Naoya Saito, Yutaro Itadani, Tomihiko Kojima, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Yoshihiro Kajimura, Shinsuke Fujioka, Akifumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Hideki Nakashima, Naoji Yamamoto,
"Control of unsteady laser-produced plasma-flow with a multiple-coil magnetic nozzle ,"
Scientific Reports
7, 8910 (2017)
T Morita, N. Yamamoto, R Kawashima, N Saito, M Edamoto, S Fujioka, Y Itadani, T Johzaki, S Miura, Y Mori, H Nishimura, A Sunahara, A Yogo and H Nakashima,
"Plasma structure and energy dependence in a magnetic thrust chamber system ,"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
717, 012071 (2016)
Ryosuke KAWASHIMA, Taichi MORITA, Naoji YAMAMOTO, Naoya SAITO, Shinsuke FUJIOKA, Hiroaki NISHIMURA, Hiraku MATSUKUMA, Atsushi SUNAHARA, Yoshitaka MORI, Tomoyuki JOHZAKI and Hideki NAKASHIMA,
"The measurement of plasma structure in a magnetic thrust chamber ,"
Plasma and Fusion Research
11, 3406012 (2016)
"退官記念講演 "
Hideki Nakashima,
"Present Status of Nuclear Space Engine ,"
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Akihiro Maeno, Tomoyuki Hinaga, Naoji, Yamamoto, Atsushi Sunahara, Shinsuke Fujioka, and Hideki Nakashima,
"Effect of Magnetic Field Strength on a Magnetic Thrust Chamber System ,"
Journal of Propulsion and Power
30, 54-61 (2014)
Akihiro Maeno, Naoji Yamamoto, Shinsuke Fujioka, Yoshitaka Mori, Atsushi Sunahara, Tomoyuki Jhozaki, and Hideki Nakashima,
"Analysis of Laser Wavelength and Energy Dependences of the Impulse in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber System for a Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
56, 170-172 (2013)
中島秀紀, 野田篤司, 船木一幸,
"となりの惑星をめざせ - 太陽系を飛び出し, 50年で恒星間を航行できる探査機を実現できるか? ,"
1月号, 94-99 (2013)
Yoshihiro Kajimura and Hideki Nakashima,
"Direct measurement of the impulse in a magnetic thrust chamber system for laser fusion rocket (磁気ノズルを用いた先端推進機の推力評価に向けたハイブリッド粒子シミュレーション) ,"
60, 22-28 (2012)
Akihiro Maeno, Naoji Yamamoto, Hideki Nakashima, Shinsuke Fujioka, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Yoshitaka Mori, and Atsushi Sunahara,
"Direct measurement of the impulse in a magnetic thrust chamber system for laser fusion rocket ,"
Applied Physics Letters
99, 071501 (2011)
"A Magnetic Thrust Chamber Design For A Laser Fusion Rocket Based on Impact Fast Ignition Scheme ,"
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series
8, 1602-1605 (2009)
Y. Kajimura, N. Matsuda, K. Hayashida, A. Maeno, H. Nakashima,
"Numerical Simulation of Plasma Behavior in a Magnetic Nozzle of a Laser-plasma Driven Nuclear Electric Propulsion System ,"
AIP Conference Proceedings
1084, 934 (2008)
Nobuo Matsuda, Ryo Kawabuchi, Yoshihiro Kajimura, and Hideki Nakashima,
"Improvement of Thrust Efficiency of Laser Fusion Rocket with Shaped Target ,"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
112, 042079 (2008)
R. Kawabuchi, N. Matsuda, Y. Kajimura, H. Nakashima, and Y. P. Zakharov,
"Numerical Simulation of Plasma Detachment from a Magnetic Nozzle by using Fully Particle-In-Cell Code ,"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
112, 042082 (2008)
Y. Kajimura, R. Kawabuchi, N. Matsuda, and H. Nakashima,
"Numerical simulation of fusion plasma behaviors in a magnetic nozzle ,"
Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology
51, 229-231 (2007)
Yoshihiro Kajimura, Ryo Kawabuchi, and Hideki Nakashima,
"Control techniques of thrust vector for magnetic nozzle in laser fusion rocket ,"
Fusion Engineering and Design
81, 23-24 (2006)
Nobuyasu SAKAGUCHI, Yoshihiro KAJIMURA, and Hideki NAKASHIMA,
"Thrust Efficiency Calculation for Magnetic Nozzle in Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
48, 180-182 (2005)
H. Nakashima, Y. Kajimura, Y. Kozaki, and Y. Zakharov,
"A Laser Fusion Rocket based on Fast Ignition Concept ,"
Proceedings of the 56th International Astronautical Congress
Konstantin V. Vchivkov, Hideki Nakashima, Yuri P. Zakharov, Tomonori Esaki, Toshihiko Kawano, and Takanobu Muranaka,
"Optimization of thrust efficiency in laser fusion rocket by using three-dimensional hybrid particle-in-cell code ,"
73, 427-432 (2004)
"Study of THrust Conversion Process of Explosive Plasma Source in Dipole Magnetic Field by Using Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code ,"
Ph.D thesis, (2004)
Konstantin V. VCHIVKOV, Hideki NAKASHIMA, Yuri P. ZAKHAROV, Tomonori ESAKI, Toshihiko KAWANO, and Takanobu MURANAKA,
"Laser-Produced Plasma Experiments and Particle in Cell Simulation to Study Thrust Conversion Process in a Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
42, 6590 (2003)
Takanobu Muranaka, Hideyuki Uchimura, Hideki Nakashima, Yuri P. Zakharov, Sergey A. Nikitin, and Arnold G. Ponomarenko,
"Analysis of Exploding Plasma Behavior in a Dipole Magnetic Field ,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
40, 824 (2001)
H. Nakashima, Y. Nagamine, N. Yoshimi, Y. P. Zakharov,
"Use of an ignition facility for fusion propulsion experiments ,"
Fusion Engineering and Design
44, 359-363 (1999)
Yoshihiko Nagamine and Hideki Nakashima,
"Analysis of Plasma Behavior in a Magnetic Thrust Chamber of a Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
Fusion Science and Technology
35, 62-70 (1999)
T. Kawasaki, T. Muranaka, and H. Nakashima,
"Development of a MHD code Using CIP Method and its Application to a Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
Proceedings of the 26th International Electrical Propulsion Conference
1, 119 (1999)
T. Nagamine, T. Fusuki, Y. Nakama, T. Mayumi, and H. Nakashima,
"Development of a MHD code Using CIP Method and its Application to ICF Rocket ,"
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation
1, 559 (1996)
Hideki Nakashima, George H. Miley, and Yasuyuki Nakao,
"Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) Fusion Rocket ,"
AIP Conference Proceedings
301, 1311-1317 (1994)
Hideki NAKASHIMA, Hidetoshi SHOYAMA, Yukinori KANDA, and Yasuyuki NAKAO,
"Parametric design study of laser fusion rocket ,"
Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science
Vols. 1&2, 19-24 (1992)
Hideki Nakashima, Hidetoshi Shoyama, and Yukinori Kanda,
"Design Study of Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
Plasma Physics and Fusion Technology
66, 291-319 (1991)
中島秀紀 (Hideki Nakashima),
"宇宙技術文明へのキーテクノロジー「核融合ロケット」を設計する ,"
最新宇宙飛行論 (学習研究社) 第3章 人類文明の宇宙的飛躍
Hideki NAKASHIMA, Yoshihiro Nakane, Yukinori Kanda, and Hideaki Takabe,
"Design Study of an Indirect-Drive Target ,"
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
Vols. 64, 408-429 (1990)
Hideki NAKASHIMA, Eiji SHIDOJI, Kazuyoshi ISHIMARU, Tsuyoshi SHIBA,
Masaki MATSUOKA, and Yukinori KANDA,
"Some Design Aspects of Laser Fusion Rocket ,"
Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science